Monday, April 15, 2019

The Best Business Marketing Tip

My Best Business Marketing Suggestion

Since 1982 I've used one proven method to grow my business.

  1. Join a networking group
  2. Don't worry about trying to get referrals 
  3. Try to help the other members of the referral group to get new customers
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 above.

I discovered that I didn't like cold calling at all and I needed a way to get new clients. In 1982 I started a non-profit organization called the 100 Club of  Broward. The only purpose of the group was to meet each week and refer business to each other.

More recently I formed a new Referral Group in South Florida.
We meet on Tuesday in Fort Lauderdale and on Wednesday in Hollywood. I look at it like this; I was going to eat breakfast anyway, I may as well eat with a room full of people that are trying to bring me new business.

Business Referral Groups

By meeting each week the members get to know, like and trust each other and that is what makes a business referral group work. If you've ever been to a chamber of commerce you can clearly see the difference. At the local chamber events the members do a "hit and run" in which they run through the room as fast as they can collecting business cards and handing out their own business cards. Next thing you know, you are getting spam emails from them daily.

In a well run business referral group you are encouraged to take the time to get to know the members. The goal at this type of networking event is never to sell the other members your products or services although that might happen. The goal is to get them to know you, like you and trust you so that they would be willing to refer your best clients to you.
When you refer one of your clients to someone else then it causes them to think more about what they can do for you. We naturally like to refer business to people that help us. If you live or work anywhere in South Florida please come and visit us in our networking group.

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